Zone Reports

Zone 1A - Lion Richard High



Growth %




In my first year as ZC, I have been keen to maintain communications with clubs; not just for the purposes of hosting zone meetings as required by protocol, but also to assist with issues the clubs may be experiencing and to point out that being part of a large organisation means that there is support available should clubs need it.

Members have voted to hold Zone meetings via Zoom rather than face-to-face, making it easier and reducing reliance on transport.

At the time of writing, I have attended business meetings for 3 clubs, with another 3 scheduled within the next 6 weeks and 2 more TBA. 

All clubs within the zone have reported a combination of new members and potential interest in this Lions year, which is encouraging to hear, and the overall membership figure within the zone has increased, albeit with some clubs showing losses for whatever reason. 

Reports broken down by club: 


Membership is at 12.

Highworth has been running a ‘ProjectU for 22’ to encourage new members from the local area. They have received support from other zone clubs, the DG/PDG and district officers for their recruitment drive, in September/October particularly. This has gained them 3 new members up to February. They then badged another 2 14/02 and have 2 more expressing an interest. 

The clubs main ongoing fundraising project is their charity shop. Re-opening of this has proved difficult but they are persevering.

A new member has taken on youth liaison duties with local schools/youth groups so there is a hope that the club can be involved in Lions youth schemes soon.

Highworth have kindly offered the use of their minibus at Convention for partners/guests to travel to the Swindon Steam Museum and outlet shopping centre. Donations from passengers greatly received!


Membership is at 20 with 3 having left the club.

The club is having meetings both on Zoom and face-to-face, which are well-attended.

The club is going through CIO registration, with support from zone/district.

The club has been involved with various service activities recently - donating to a school and nursery for books/stationery, as well as ongoing projects supporting both Wiltshire Air Ambulance and an orphanage in Nepal (an update on this is expected during the business session at Convention). 

Zone B - Lion Mark Thorpe

Item No

Action By


Welcome and Introductions

Zone Chair Mark Thorpe welcomed all attendees to the meeting. There were ten members in attendance representing the following Clubs, Bradford on Avon, Warminster, Trowbridge, Westbury, and Gilling, Mere and Shaftsbury (GMS). 

Lions Keith Yate and Al sent their apologies from Warminster. 




Minutes from Previous Meeting

Six beehives previously sponsored by Zone clubs in Larkrise Community Farm are working effectively. However, there are problems harvesting the honey without a dedicated £700 + honey extractor. Action: Trowbridge club to provide all with an update on the hives and proposal for a joint fundraising request to be put to individual club committees. Trowbridge advised that the beehive project has not progressed due to the time of the year.



Matters Arising




Feedback from Cabinet

Zone Chair Mark Thorpe informed the meeting that a £3,000 rebate from District has gone towards general administration, e.g., to support new members, however, the Finance Committee are yet to clarify this. 

Zone Chair Mark Thorpe advised that 5-minute slots are available per Club for District Convention, slots can be booked via the District Secretary.

Discussions were held around having a ‘Field to Fork’ Zone presentation. 





Theme – Motivation

Prior to the meeting Zone Chair Mark tasked attendees to consider the following points in readiness to feedback at the meeting, "How does your Club motivate its members and potential members" and "How can your Club motivate the community and public whom you serve". 

Westbury – Attendees from Westbury advised that the Club motivates members and potential members by being enthusiastic.  Older members of the Club encourage new members and are happy to share their knowledge. The Christmas float often attracts new members to the Club. New members are also actively encouraged to get involved with committees and subcommittee meetings for fundraising events.  Younger members are given the opportunity to take on roles within the Club, giving older members an opportunity to share their experience.  Promoting events via social media is extremely successful for Westbury Club. 

Trowbridge – Informed the meeting that they make meetings enjoyable and believe it is the responsibility of the entire Club to keep members motivated. As a Club there is a challenge to recruit younger members. Attendees suggested recruiting from Parent Teacher Associations, as often when children move on parents are still willing to be part of the community, a further suggestion was having stands at local events, to promote Lions and recruit members. Lion Richard Loverock advised that the Christmas Float has 80% friends of Lions, however, when approached and asked if they would like to join the Club, they were unable to commit. 

Bradford on Avon – Encourage all members within the Club to submit ideas.  The Club have recruited ten new members over the last two years.  Discussions were held around having a role for new members to ensure they are motivated. Recruitment via existing members has been very successful. With regard support within the community Bradford on Avon received very few requests, the Club decided to write to the local schools, as a result the Club received two very good requests and an appeal from the local Scout group to help fund an upcoming residential trip. 

Warminster – The book shop draws friends of Lions in to volunteer at the shop, this has resulted in some volunteers joining as members. The book shop also has PR resources available which creates a talking point for customers. Zone Chair Mark Thorpe informed the meeting that whilst visiting Alnwick Lions book shop there was PR materials outlining what the Club had done in terms of service / support which was a very good idea. Discussions were held around Lions being the best kept secret, it is felt that Clubs need to be open about Lions and what the organisation does. 

GMS – Advised that recruitment for all organisations is a huge problem in Dorset.  The Club continue to promote Lions through volunteer work in the community.  As a Club GMS support a lot of marshalling at events. The Club have undertaken Marshall training as well as a course to manage road closures.  Lion Barry to email course details to Lion Heather. Most requests for support are received from Social Services. 






Lion Barry


Club Reports – Top Three Points


- Restarting the Christmas float and supermarket collections has been a highlight for the Club, the funds raised exceeded the expectations. 

- With help from IMP packaging (and donation from St. James’ Trust) the Club produced over 50 hampers for one parent families and other in need within Trowbridge. 

- The Club are strongly pursuing the idea of a combined shop in Castle Place Precinct with Bath Cancer Unit Support Group where the Club will have a book shop. Warminster Club will support Trowbridge with this.


- A new member has been badged up. 

- The Christmas float was a great success

- The Club will be holding a quiz as a fundraising event.

- The Club are also working with the local Rotary Club to put on a Jubilee picnic on Sunday 5 June 2022 for the local community. 

Bradford on Avon

- The Club had a very successful Christmas float campaign.

- A giant Jubilee Fun Day and Car Boot Sale are in preparation. 

- The Club have registered as a CIO / Gift Aid.


- Have donated £200 to Julia’s House, the Club had a presentation from the Charity during their February meeting. 

- Long Service Awards have been presented to four members who have a combined 130 years’ service between them. 

- £1,500 worth of Christmas goodies were donated by the Club. 

- Warminster will be supporting the GMS quiz and Trowbridge Charter lunch. 


- The Club had an extremely successful Christmas Float campaign raising an outstanding sum of money. The tracking system was very well utilised by the community. 

- Five new members have been welcomed and badged up within the Club. 

- Five E-Pens have been donated to Matravers school to aid Dyslexic students with their exams. 

- The Club are looking to plant 700 trees at the White Horse Country Park in recognition of the Platinum Jubilee later this year. 

- The Club will also be running a Youth Engagement Event to promote local organisations / Clubs available to young people within the local community. 







Any Other Business

Paultons Park – Lion Richard Loverock from Trowbridge asked if there was an update on the annual Paulton’s Park event.  Zone Chair Mark advised that there was no news yet. 

Julia’s House – Bradford on Avon advised that the Club invited Julia’s House to present at a meeting, this was very well received by all members.  Lion Phil is happy to share the contact details with other Club’s that may be interested to invite the Charity to present at a meeting. 

Spectacle Donations – Six dates have been emailed out via Secretaries for spectacle donations to be transported to Chichester. 

Trowbridge Recruiting – Lion Tracy from Westbury would like to support Trowbridge to recruit new members.

Zone Social – Zone Chair Mark would like to organise a face-to-face Zone Social with Call My Bluff and an Afternoon Tea, a provisional date of Sunday 3 April 2022, between 1300 – 1600hrs at Warminster Conservative Club has been booked. 







Date of Next Meeting

Monday 23 May 2022 at 19:30hrs, location: Westbury United Reformed Church Hall, The Butts, Westbury, BA13 3EU


Zone C - Lion Sandra Manktelow

Since July 2021 I have visited five of the six clubs face to face. This is always a privilege as all clubs are different and I am warmly welcomed at them.  The only club still to visit in an official capacity is Petersfield (my own club!).  I have also held two zone meetings and am pleased to say that all clubs have been represented at them.  

Although we do not have a zone project all the clubs work well together supporting each other as and when necessary.  It’s great to be part of such a supportive team.

Alton Lions has maintained a good and healthy level of members, around 29-30 over past few years with some losses and gains. The main highlight of our club’s activity has been the return of our regular monthly Craft Markets and importantly the very first Alton Classic Car Show, raising around £1700 and donating half the profit to the Alton Mayor’s charity. The club also carried our fist car packing marshalling for the unusual plant fare at Gilbert White Museum. 

Alton Lions managed to deliver around 9,500 Christmas cards in Alton and surrounding villages resulting in raising over £3000 and the club delivered around 89 parcels to individuals in need in Alton and the surrounding areas. The club supplied £140 of vouchers for 3 emergency referrals. Our charity fund has also been used to support individuals and organisations. The club has provided months’ rent for the food bank and provided a Defibulater and Bleed kit for the town. The charity account has also provided winter fuel payments for fuel poverty, a prostate project and Sainsburys collection for the Tonga Tsunami which raised £355. The total number of volunteer hours has been 1713 hours for 6-month period July-December.

Havant Lions Havant enjoyed a successful Christmas period collecting £6000 with Sleigh runs and collections at ASDA and Tesco. Our membership has been boosted with two Lions transferring back to the club. Requests for donations have been very low so far this year. Only one request since last report. Five young people going to Kenya to help local people with projects and developing skills. £500

Hayling Island Lions Our activities were obviously curtailed due to Covid but we managed to still serve our community but on a smaller scale. We were expecting a large volume of requests for financial assistance due to the problems brought on by the pandemic but they simply did not materialise. There were many other groups that formed to help out but we all worked together.

Our Lion members were part of a team that delivered prescriptions and medication direct from the chemist to people at home. Also food parcels and pastime parcels (books, games, drawing paper, pens etc) were delivered to the most vulnerable. Our members assisted as marshals at the Covid clinics both on Hayling as well as in Havant, Emsworth and Waterlooville. Our Community Shop was forced to close for part of the year but it is now up and running. We are open 4 days a week selling everything at a price that even residents who are on a very low income can afford. Our shop has 1 Lion member and 2 volunteers on duty each day we are open. We also have members who volunteer as drivers taking the elderly and disabled to hospital and doctors appointments. We were fortunate enough to be able to take our Santa Sleigh around the Island and carry out a few collections outside the supermarket and in the shopping centre. This enabled us to treat the Young Carers to Christmas Goodie Bags and also fill 70 Santa Sacks to deliver to those children who would otherwise have received very little on Christmas morning and 4 large hampers were delivered to families who were particularly hard hit by Covid. 

Our financial resources were not called on very often but we did make a few donations to individual families who were referred to us via the Social Worker or the schools. 

Our socials were obviously hard hit but we kept in touch with our more vulnerable members by weekly telephone calls. A Cake and Cuppa Afternoon was organised once we could meet together again out of doors to enable members to meet face to face and chat. This proved so successful we have continued to meet weekly.

All in all life has been hard for everyone but the club hopes that it has made life a little easier for our Hayling Community.

Meon Valley Lions Like most clubs Meon Valley Lions has had a year of reduced activity. Our membership has decreased from 27 to 25 (one inactive member and one called to higher service). Despite several street stands and getting the message out there, we have not been able to recruit any new members. We did have plans to provide a series of presentations to organisations, but these meetings were all cancelled. There is a concern that without new members, within two years, there would be only 5 members below the age of 70. 

The club’s main focus of service has been on many small scale donations of household equipment. This is usually in conjunction with other agencies such as Age Concern and Homestart. The club was pleased to orchestrate inter-zone projects, where there are geographical gaps in Lions Club’s areas and also where projects span more than one Lions Club area. The largest of these was combining donations from four Lions Clubs to fund the refurbishment of the “Deceased Resting Room” at Mountbatten Hampshire Hospice. 

Fundraising has been severely reduced, however we were pleased to get Santa’s Minibus around the local villages. This fun activity produced door-to-door donations of around £400 per night and lots of happy children who were amazed that Santa came to visit their house.

Petersfield Lions has had a good year to date.  Our membership has increased and we are now at an all time high of 28 members.  The club’s main focus has been assisting with the vaccination centre based in the Festival Hall. Two of our Lions have spent the last 13 months organising the marshalling – we have had over 150 volunteers.  However, we have still managed to find time to do some fundraising including successful Christmas campaigns involving street collections, envelope drops and Christmas festivities.  

The club recently had a litter pick in our local Tesco car park to say thank you to the supermarket for all the support they have given us with regards to collecting outside the store and also raffle donations.  In one hour ten Lions amassed over ten bags of litter, two cones and one bumper and that was only the tip of the iceberg!

We have also had two events that have supported individual causes.  A market stall was held on a Saturday which raised over £300 for our ‘Jasmine’ appeal – helping a family raise £500 for special physiotherapy for four year old Jasmine.  A swishing event brought in over … for Naomi House and Jacksplace Hospice. 

Our funds have been used to support Afghan refugees, people of Petersfield and surrounding areas and also a donation to Brain Tumour Research to name but a few.

July 2021 was the start of Woolmer Forest Lions 40th Charter year and we were determined to make it an extra special year. One of our members, Derek Port , spent many hours producing a pamphlet and photo albums showing the highlights of the past 40 years. These were proudly put on show at our celebratory Charter Lunch where we gave appreciation awards to locals who had supported the community during the covid crisis. 

Our membership dropped to 19 but this did not stop us from having many successful fundraising events which included tombola’s, Christmas sleigh collections, car boot sales and our first Annual Golf Day which raised over £1000. The annual Apple Tasting event was able to return this year and we successfully parked over 1000 cars and received over £2000 in our collection buckets. We have become know locally for our skill at manning car parks and were called upon to help at the Secrets of the Heath event, the local firework display, and the Fun Day. We were also very happy to be able to help with the marshalling at the local vaccination clinics. Recycling has also been a large part of the last year . As well as being keen supporters of the Spectrek campaign we have put a lot of manpower into collecting and recycling empty drinks cans. As well as helping the environment this also brings in a small but regular income and increases local awareness of the range of things Lions get involved in. 

Funds raised have been used to support local families with welfare needs as well as donations to two foodbanks and 50 food parcels. We have also supported local schools with the Wild Tribe books, several international appeals, and the Lions/Brain Tumour Research.

Zone D - Lion Diane Hopkins

Report unavailable

Zone 2E - Lion Ian Hambleton

1.1 Decisions Required of Cabinet:

1.2 Justification for Decisions: 

1.3 Objectives for the Year:

a)To achieve positive membership growth.

b)To ensure all clubs reporting service and improving service activity 

c)To ensure clubs are participating in the leadership plan

d)To maintain CIO standards

1.4 Progress Against Objectives




July 21

Aug 2021

Sept 2021

Oct 2021

Dec 2021

Jan 2022








Hook & Odiham







Yateley & District





















Aldershot Branch Club







FLOGs Branch Club














Club reports  Short reports on club activities throughout the year.

Farnborough Lions


Membership has remained static throughout the year, Club is always trying to attract new members at events held

Financial Status In good standing

Fundraising, held a successful Quiz night in Oct 21 and another is planned for mid March 2022. Car show planned for April, Members did a bucket collection at Asda which was very successful. 

Service, Club has continued to support the Zone IT project suppling Children with refurbished PC/laptops for them to continue with their Education at home/school. Club has supported numerous welfare case throughout the year and given Various donations out. Including donation to the Lions Community store

Club members have attended all Zone dinners throughout the Lions year and hosted the September meeting

Hook & Odiham Lions


Although club membership has dropped by 1 over the year, they hope to recruit new members from planned events throughout the 12 months. 

Financial Status In good standing

Fundraising: The village connect trail, a sponsored walk between various villages raising over £5,000 for local schools. Spooktacular, organising Summer fare for July this year

Service: Helped at the Hartley Wintney Festival, volunteered at  Windsor Horse ride, and the Off the Hook event, Christmas market in Hartley Wintney, Bucket collection at Hook Tesco's and Christmas Sleigh ride in club area. Club has purchased a Red Telephone box for £1 for a defibrillator To be fitted. They have also supported the local orchard working with the Parish council to plant 30 trees. Members have assisted at vaccination centres

Club hosted the late November Zone Dinner and have attended all zone dinners

Yateley & District Lions


Membership had remained static at 29 members  until the sad passing of Lion Neil Bray who had been an active member for almost 40 years. The Club has recruited two new members in January and hope to recruit new members in next few months. 

Financial Status In good standing

Fundraising: Organised a late Summer fayre with 100 stalls, car boot sale, fair ground rides and many more attractions, similar event is currently being arranged for May this year. Hosting a Christmas market  

Service: Supported the Remembrance parade & service, helped at vaccination centres throughout the year, held a extremely successful firework event where they made a profit of £11,000 which they shared equally with the primary school which hosted the event and in partnership with their PTA, Club is running weekly bingo events. The club has supported a number of individuals in the community & paid for a whole day disability awareness workshop at a local school.

Club has not hosted a Zone dinner since in last June, but have been represented at all zone dinners.

Hart Lion 


Membership has remained static throughout the year, however when I visited them in February they had at least 3 or 4 prospective members.

Financial Status In good standing

Fundraising Organised a summer Pimms tent at a local music festival, which was very successful, did the catering at a local model train exhibition, Fleets Christmas Festival Bottle tombola & children's tombola 

Service: Teamed up with some older female scout members from a local group to help them achieve their World Challenge badge where they are required to do a volunteering. Supported the Remembrance parade & service, helped at local vaccination centres. In the local shopping centre had a Christmas tree “Light up a Life” in aid of both Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice and Naomi House Children's Hospice donating £1,000 to each charity. Worked alongside Fleet Lions with the Christmas float, held an event to celebrate World site day in a pop up shop which was supported by local opticians. Helping with Christmas hampers for the elderly via the Community store.

Club is very active with social events including trips to the theatre, meals and skittle matches.

Although Club has not hosted a Zone Dinner in past year year, I am sure they will do in the new Lions year. 

Fleet Lions


Membership has steadily increased throughout the year, also they have  many prospective members attending their various club meetings and its only a short time before some of these are badged up into the main club

Financial Status In good standing

Fundraising : Organised a charity walk over the summer, the Firework festival was a sell out, Christmas festivities in the town with a Gluhwein stall sell out, Santa sleigh around the town and in the town centre throughout December

Service: Helping at vaccination centres. Remembrance Sunday parade marshalling and attendance, Three local schools were able to donate their harvest festival donations which were then used to help others in the community, planting trees part of the Queens Canopy and supporting a minding the Garden as a new local community project. Donated a new defibrillator to a local pavilion centre in Fleet near a football training ground. 

Club President has appeared on many radio host shows promoting club Lions events over the past year.

Fleet Lions are hosting next Zone Dinner

Aldershot Branch Club


Membership has remained at 8 members for most of the year, but in November they were able to badge up 2 mew members.

Financial Status In good standing

Fundraising: Tombola stand at a neighbouring Lions Summer fate, donation of drinks from Morrisons Supermarket helped raise considerable funds for the club, Club received funds for helping with marshalling at a summer music event in one of the town parks with thousands of people attending each day. Chocolate Tombola stand at the Christmas lights event.

Service: Marshalling at an open air cinema event at the Hanger in Farnborough, Helping an elderly gentleman with his overgrown garden & donating a bench for him to sit on, Marshalling at a multi faith Christmas concert held in Aldershot. Helped with Christmas hampers collection at Morrisons in Aldershot, for the Lions Community Store Christmas hampers appeal and giving vouchers for teenagers at the festive time. Volunteering at the new Community Grub Hub, helping with food wastage & food hunger concerns for local residents also assisting clients with fuel poverty concerns. Club has just donated £250 to the centre in gift vouchers, so the centre can can purchase urgent items when required for clients.

Club has active social life with many meals out at local restaurants .

Aldershot Lions hosting the June Zone Dinner

FLOGs Branch Club


Remained static at 10 members throughout the year

Financial Status In good standing

Service. Flogs continue to support the main club by attending all of the meetings throughout the year, they have been involved in helping at the Community store building a shed for the IT project. Members have continued to support the Zone IT project over the past year. At a presentation by Farnham Lions Club the IT team were presented with an International Presidents certificate of Appreciation. The IT team continues to support Children in the local area with refurbished laptops and PC's with their education. They have assisted at local vaccination centres & attended the remembrance parade. They continue to Prostate Screening and currently 215 men have taken up the home testing service 

Zone Projects

Funfest: A new committee has been set up, this after our long standing Funfest Chair retired after many years of holding this post. Many thanks to Lion David Styler for many years service to Funfest committee. This years event in June will be supported by all clubs in the Zone helping Children with disabilities, the carers and family's to have a fun free days entertainment hosted by local Lions Clubs. 

Zone IT project: This project continues, to help Children with refurbished laptops & PC with their education, many local schools have benefited from this project locally.

Community Store: The community store was very busy at Christmas helping with hampers for those in need.  The total estimated value of food and toys that we sent out in the community was a staggering £38,955.00. £27,825.00 was toys and sweets and  £11,130.00 on the hampers. We sent out 505 hampers, made toy parcels for 1050 children and 31 gift boxes for adults (older or vulnerable persons).

The Community Store also has been busy serving the local community in need, with many requests over the past few month.

Zone Clubs held a memorial event for the late Beverley Allardice MBE/MJF who was  the manager at the store for many years. The Zone members purchased a bench in memory, and held an unveiling  ceremony.

The Community Store van appeal has raised £20,000 towards buying two new electric vans to replace our current vans at the store.

Zone Chair's comment: Its been a privilege to work alongside many good Lion members over the past 2 years as the Zone Chair. This is my last year as Zone Chair and I have learnt & experienced many things in that time, and I could not have done it without the help of each club and club members within my Zone. Also many thanks to Lion Graham Drayton as Zone Secretary Thank you. 

Zone F - Dave Ebsworth

This has been a difficult year for zone F with no Zone Chair with 1st VDG keeping a watching eye over.  I am pleased to report that clubs have been arranging their regular Zone meetings making them interesting and inviting guest speakers and also identifying a particular topic to discuss ie membership.  The clubs have also been able to share ideas and there has been offers of help to each other.  Only last Monday Wokingham, Woodley & Earley members visited Reading club, also Loddon Valley in force attended showing that zones can get together. There are more visits planned.

The membership has stayed fairly stable with the exception of Bracknell Forest who have just recently lost 4 members taking their number below 10.  The DG team and GMT lead have been in volved and a plan to run a membership drive and support the club is in place.

Over the Christmas period they have managed to get out with their Christmas activities and raised much needed funds following the previous two years of the Pandemic where they haven’t been able to fund raise like most clubs.  Wokingham have been running very successful quiz nights.

The Clubs hope to continue building in strength and increase their fund raising and community work.  The clubs are looking for a zone chair for next Lion’s year.

Zone G - Barrie Hayes

Report awaited

Zone H - Net Cooper

Report awaited

Zone I - Paul Allaway

7 Clubs (incl 1 branch Club), 1 CIO, 4 status unknown & 2 Channel Island Clubs and so unregistered with UK authorities.


Due to travel restrictions and the cost of travel I have yet to visit the Clubs in the Zone but hope to meet the Clubs at District Convention.

Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, i have not held a Zoom meeting this quarter. 

1.1Decisions Required of Cabinet: None

1.2 Justification for Decisions: N/A

1.3 Objectives for the Year:

a)Growth of Club & Membership

b)Improvement of Service and reporting

c)Maintenance of good governance

d)Support for Youth

1.4 Progress Against Objectives






Growth %






Guernsey recently had a further resignation and Newport has lost one member due to moviing away from the area. There have been no new members inducted this quarter.


No of Clubs Reporting

Total service


200+ hours

Many Clubs supporting MIAB and Spektrek

Two Clubs supporting LCIF Ukraine appeal.

Support for Wessex Cancer Charity and Sight for Wight.

Members volunteering at vaccine centres


Annual Return



Club Visits


No comments received this quarter.


Unfortunately, Guernsey Leo Club have decided to close due to lack of new members and increasing red tape.

Following the success of ROAR2021 Jersey are continuing with ROAR2022 and Guernsey will also promote this.

Guernsey are promoting Peace Poster and Jersey the Young Ambassador Scheme.

It is hoped other Clubs will participate in the Youth iniatives.

1.5 Other Relevant Matters

Fund Raising

Many events continue to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions however Clubs have manged have some successful street collections and are planning future events including Auction Rooms, Donkey Derby and pitches at Country Shows.

Jersey have their annual Swimarathon the same weekend as District Convention.


Press coverage of PSA testing day

Jersey PRO active with local media promoting Swimarathon and Maison des Landes Hotel and Community Hub.

Clubs updating social media sites and websites.

Club Meetings

A mixture of face-to-face meetings and Zoom meetings continue to be held.

Club Socials

Various events took part including Dinners and regular monthly walks.

DG Team and District Admin Reports Projects