Resolutions and Nominations 

1. Convention Resolutions

There are three resolutions to be debated at the 2022 Convention of District 105SC. Each will require a simple majority of those registered voting delegates who exercise their right to vote. If you choose to abstain, you will be considered not to have exercised your right to vote.

Resolution 1: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

“The District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2022/23 shall be in the sum of £9.00 per Lion. This shall be payable in two equal instalments - £4.50 per Lion by 1 August 2022 based upon the known membership as at 30 June 2022 and £4.50 per Lion by 1 February 2023 based upon the known membership as at 31st December 2022.”

Explanatory note:

Article VIII Section 1 of the By-Laws of the latest issue of the District 105SC Constitution States:

To provide revenue for approved district projects and to defray the administrative expenses of the district, Cabinet shall table a resolution at every Annual District Convention to set the per capita levy for the following fiscal year.  If such resolution shall fail then the per capita levy for the time being in force shall be continued until changed by resolution.  The administrative subscription shall be levied upon each member of each club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments per club member by July 21st of each year to cover the semi-annual period July 1st to December 31st and per club member on January 21st of each year, to cover the semi-annual period January 1st to June 30th with billings of the same to be based upon the roster of each club as of June 30th and December 31st respectively……"

Resolution 2: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

“The District will refund the second half of the Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2021/22 of  £4.50 per Lion, which was paid by Clubs in January 2022. This will be refunded by 30th April 2022. 

Explanatory note:

The continued impact of COVID-19 on District has a led to a significant reduction in activities which has resulted in a surplus on the budget in 2020-21 of just under £3,000. This has continued in the first half of the current financial year.  It is recommended by Cabinet that the District capitation for H2 2021-22 is refunded to the Clubs to reflect the surplus of the District budget. 

Resolution 3: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

“Messrs Gilroy & Brookes, Chartered Accountants of Farnham, be sincerely thanked for their services to the District in the past and that they be, and the same are hereby, re-appointed as Independent Examiner to the District for the forthcoming Year.”

Explanatory note:

Article IX Section 2 of the By-Laws of the latest issue of the District 105SC Constitution States:

“The District Governor’s Cabinet shall provide for an annual or more frequent audit or review of the books and accounts……”

At the closing date for receipt of amendments to the above resolutions, no such amendments had been received, the resolutions will therefore be debated as printed above.

2. Candidates for Election

At the closing date for receipt of nominations for the posts of District Governor and First Vice District Governor:

- One valid nomination had been received for the post of District Governor, 105SC, 2022-2023, that being for the only qualified person, Lion David Ebsworth, Lions Club of Reading. Read Icon Dave Ebsworth's CV

- One valid nomination had been received for the post of First Vice District Governor, 105SC, 2022-2023, that being for Lion David Taylor, Lions Club of Gillingham, Mere and Shaftsbury. Read Icon David Taylor's CV 

- No nominations had been received for the post of Second Vice District Governor, 105SC, 2022-2023. However, it is understood that a nomination will be made from the floor of Convention - Read Icon VDG2 Manktelow's CV. It is possible there may be other nominations from the floor of Convention. If the CV of any further candidates to be nominated from the floor are received in sufficient time, they will be posted on the District 105SC website.

- One nomination had been received to host Convention 2023, that being from District 105SC Convention Chairman to host Convention at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea.

- No nominations had been received for the hosting of Convention 2024. If none are received from the floor of Convention, the matter will be placed into the hands of the District Cabinet to decide.